How to leave the A.W.F.U.L club

Better late than never

Give up your membership to the A.W.F.U.L club...

Better late than never

AWFUL = Accountants Who Feel Unfulfilled and Lost

In your early years, it's normal to wonder about what's the sense of work.

To try many different things so that you can figure out which ones you like and which ones you don't

At times, you'll feel awfully unprepared for the future.

And barely surviving the present

As you try to recall the past and to recollect the person you've been

But you're no longer the same, aren't you?

As years go by, you start to appreciate more which parts of life give you joy and which make you drained.

You gain more freedom to choose

To carve your path

To live life on your terms

To put more meaning and intention into your daily struggles

So then...

You can go from here to there.

You can cut your membership from the AWFUL club.

And start living with intention and meaning.

P.S. Curious to know how you can start? Book a discovery call to see how I can help you.

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