Are you still trapped in the box?

For you who want to get unstuck

Unlock the Ultimate Strategy to Portfolio Career Success - Webinar Highlights

Thank you for attending or expressing your interest in attending the webinar.

If you missed out, no worries. I’m sharing the following highlights with you.

Portfolio webinar snapshot

I told the story of how I started as a newly licensed CPA and newbie auditor in a consulting firm back in the Philippines.

My first picture showed me as socially awkward and looked as if I carried the world on my shoulders.

(But that’s what studying accounting and preparing for the CPA exam can do to you, especially if the career was not your choice and you’re just doing it for practical reasons.)

Later, my plan to spend one busy season in an audit firm turned into 10 years.

What rocked?

My audit journey brought many AHA moments. Travels. Personal dreams fulfilled.

What sucked?

I got trapped in routines. I dialed down my creativity. I got stuck in the box of my profession. I was expected to perform and seek validation through ranks and promotions. The stability brought comfort.

But inside me, something felt wrong.

…What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more.          

Hamlet, Act IV, Scene IV [How all occasions do inform against me] by William Shakespeare

In any case, my corporate journey enabled me to build a portfolio of experiences and skills.

I brought them with me when I finally resigned from my Big 4 audit job to start my entrepreneurial journey.

But how did I manage to build a portfolio career?

What pains and gains did I have from my career moves?

Are you curious to know more?

Watch a snippet of the webinar through my newly-launched Portfolio Career Unlocked! learning journey.

In this journey, learn whether a portfolio career would suit you (not everyone has the proper mindset to do it).

Explore my free resources and paid individual and group coaching sessions.

Plus, grab my secret guide to a happy and meaningful portfolio career.

One attendee’s key takeaway from the webinar:

Start with one small project to build my portfolio and focus on learning along the way.

PS. Did you watch the webinar live? Your feedback matters! Use this form to provide your feedback or suggestions for future webinars.

Tin here! Welcome to Busy Season Journals, a newsletter made especially for you by a fellow accountant/auditor, adventurer, and coach-guide. I write about my adventures as an accountant and auditor and everything in between. You get deeper insights and personal stories on how to shape a happy, meaningful journey.

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New guide available! Download a copy of my e-book (The Ultimate Guide to Winning Resumes and Getting Hired in an International Consulting Firm)

For aspiring migrant accountants/auditors who want to shape a happy, meaningful journey, start by giving your resume a winning make-over. Plus, more tips about the interview process, skills, experiences, and qualifications you need to highlight to land a job offer in an international consulting firm. Grab your copy today!

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